
of the symbol incorporates most of the top of the head--the mind area--and the other, most of the face- the feminine beauty part.

Appropriately, there is some face on the mascu- line side, and some mind area on the feminine side. Moreover, each side represented by its basic blue or pink color is embedded in a pale matrix of the other color. The total symbolism is intended to depict the wholeness of a human being--not all masculine, mind, reason, abstract and unseen--and not all feminine, beauty, desireability and appearance--but rather a mixture of both. For the TV this should indicate that the feminine in him is not just something added on by whim or an accident of his development but something that is fundementally a part of him as it is of all human beings. He simply manifests it by the adoption of the external appearance that characteriz- es the feminine and thus permits the expression of a portion of his total self that cannot conveniently and culturally be expressed in his everyday mascu- line role. The symbols in the two corners are simply the ancient biological signs for the male and female.

I think the drawing symbolizes and depicts the duality of the TV-FP state of being rather well. It is dignified as well and avoids the more obvious and stereotyped characterizations such as the feminine mirror image of a man; the half man-half woman figure or the in-one-door-out-the-other type of thing. These tend to emphasize the purely external and arteficial clothing aspect of the matter, whereas the"girl-within" originates in the mind and heart--that is, internally.

I hope the readers of TRANSVESTIA will under- stand and approve of this effort.